World Vision Canada

Focusing more on why instead of how turns intention into action.

World Vision Canada logo

Through market research they conducted, World Vision Canada ascertained that in order to acquire more legacy donors they needed to make a more personal and emotional connection with prospects and educate them about the impact they can have. As well, their research identified two key barriers that had to be addressed: donors’ concern that a legacy gift would detract from supporting their families; and the misconception that they are not rich enough to leave a legacy gift.

Based on ST’s proven track record of developing compelling creative for their ongoing fundraising appeals and stewardship mailings, World Vision turned to ST to help transform their legacy giving program — starting with their marketing brochure.

It’s about children , not tax relief.

Previously, World Vision’s legacy materials consisted of a simple self-mailer as well as a Will planning kit. ST combined the key elements from both into a comprehensive conversion brochure. Instead of focusing on the details and practical benefits of estate planning, our messaging focused more on the life-changing impact donors could have for generations to come. Through impassioned messaging, heart-felt testimonials from other legacy donors, impact stats and inspiring visuals, we created a powerful case for support.

World Vision donors care about the world’s children and we emphasised that from the get-go with the arresting headline: Tomorrow’s children need your love too. In the first pages, we addressed key barriers head on, letting donors know they didn’t have to choose — they could support their families and help the world’s most vulnerable children. We also let them know that even a small portion of their estate could make a big difference.

After making a compelling case for support, we provided topline information and answered FAQs about how easy it is to leave a bequest in their Will.

ST Services Provided

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Brand Insights & Data Analytics

  • Key barriers include:
    • Worry that a gift to World Vision in their Will could take away from their other beneficiaries
    • Misconception that they need to have a large estate to make a bequest
    • Lack of understanding about how World Vision will use their bequest
    • Overall lack of knowledge about estate gifts
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  • Create a powerful conversion tool World Vision could use to help donors visualize the need and impact of legacy giving
  • Address key barriers prospective legacy donors may have
  • Ensure the legacy giving brochure aligns with the existing World Vision brand
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Creative & Execution

  • Copy and design of a new legacy giving brochure, including key messaging that leads with they why and supports with the how

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