You want to use AI. Now what? Part 2 – Tools & Recommendations

You want to use AI...Now what? Tools & Recommendations.

In our first post, my colleague Liz laid out the foundation of exploring how AI tools and technology can benefit your organization.  Your policy and overall approach will be your guide rails for usage and are important to have before you jump into the world of using AI consistently. Now you are at the stage…

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You want to use AI… Now what? Exploring artificial intelligence for fundraisers

You want to use AI...Now what? Exploring artificial intelligence for fundraisers

You want to use AI… Now what? Exploring artificial intelligence for fundraisers I’m excited to be part of ST’s AI (artificial intelligence) team. When I was asked to give an update on our team’s behalf, I struggled with what content to pinpoint that would still be relevant by the time this is published. After all,…

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