Doctors Without Borders

An intermediate giving strategy pays off.

Doctors Without Borders Logo

As part of ST’s long-running management of fundraising programs for Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), we introduced an intermediate giving program that operated in tandem with their recurring donor campaigns but included: more personalization; campaign-style formats; longer letters with higher-end production; and customized gift matrices.

Targetting prospects for upgrading to intermediate giving was achieved through ongoing and rigorous data analysis, testing and application of direct response best practices. Over a 5-year period, ST created a variety of multi-channel campaigns focused on acquiring and retaining mid-level donors.

investing in an intermediate donor strategy pays off.

Our mid-level donor strategy provided a significant source of additional revenue, produced cost-effective ROI and primed these segments for major and planned giving.

  • Net revenue in direct marketing increased by 57%
  • 40% of mid-level donors were acquired and upgraded through direct marketing and telemarketing
  • As of March 2018, these donors — who gave a cumulative amount of $500 to $5,000 annually – accounted for 30% of all revenue for MSF

Across the board, our campaigns effectively brought MSF’s mission to life, optimizing the emotional connection between being an MSF supporter and actually helping people in crisis. We truly valued the working relationship we had with ST.

Conan Maclean, former Fundraising Manager, MSF Canada

ST Services Provided

Brand icon

Brand Insights & Data Analytics

  • Rigorous data analysis to uncover warm prospects
Strategy icon


  • Aggressively target identified donors to upgrade
  • Continually improve using learning from ongoing testing
  • Combine personalized direct mail with telemarketing
Creative icon

Creative & Execution

  • Direct mail appeals to regular donors
  • Longer letters and higher end appeals for mid-level donors

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